Adukan pada Call Center Hokben, ready 24 hours : HpSamsung
Adukan pada Call Center Hokben, ready 24 hours : HpSamsung

Adukan pada Call Center Hokben, ready 24 hours : HpSamsung

 If delivery is delayed, complain that no Hockben Call Center

Hokben provides  services  If  something happens  that you don’t like, immediately complain  to the  HOKBEN Call Center. This is very clear  so that we can improve the Hokben service and reprimand the employees on duty. Because it is our duty to provide the best service.

This fast food restaurant  with a unique theme has been established in Indonesia for a long time    .   There  are a lot of food fans  from this restaurant.   One  of the reasons  why this Hokben restaurant  is   unique is its food menu.  Japanese-style food is provided by  this restaurant  which  was formerly called Hoka Hoka Bento.

Many branches  have been opened by Hokben, as Hokben now  includes pioneers on Java, Bali and other islands.  So  expanding  the market outside  the  two islands is still slow.   The preserve of this restaurant is because it has a taste that fits the tongue of  Indonesians.

In addition, the call center that Hokben has  always  strives to provide the best service to  its loyal customers  .  Whether it is to receive complaints or get any other information. This includes information for booking procedures. So if you are  still curious and  have any questions, just contact CS Hokben.

Complain that thereis no Hockben call center if the order is delayed

Of course, the job of the call center is to receive calls from customers spread across Indonesia. Whether it’s new customers or loyal customers, surely the call centre officer will still provide the best service to be satisfied with. This is the basic description of call destinations and call centre functions .

The  call  can include anything, as   described above, i.e. complaints, being curious about  the promo to  want to know about the available  menu  .   Call centre officers   must  be on standby to serve all kinds of queries and complaints from customers  .

Although it has long been established in Indonesia and  has many loyal customers, it is possible that Hokben made a mistake  . Therefore, the important role of the call center here.  To build a bridge between  Hokben and  the customer if  there are any  complaints or suggestions later  which  will be  useful for improvement.

For  those of you  who have problems or complaints, just complain  to  the  Hockben Call Center  so you  can  follow up later  . So that we will take further  action immediately  so that the same mistake does not happen  further  to provide the fix.  If  any of our officials make a mistake, we will reprimand.

Such as complaints if the delivery  officer  delays sending them to the  destination.   It may not matter to some people if  there  is a delay in minutes, but if that  person  cannot  wait  because there is another agenda. Of course it was very disturbing and uncomfortable.

Especially if the anticipated order has come late, when it will be enjoyed,  it turns out that the order is not suitable, it will be very disturbing.  Right away  , you will report this to our call center on email We  are ready  to accept  and submit your complaint later and  follow up  immediately.

Adukan pada Call Center Hokben, ready 24 hours

Our call center  officers  will be  ready to serve you for the full 24 hours  . This is because  some  of the  branches owned by Hokben  themselves  have   24 hours of working hours. So if you need help  or if you want to submit a complaint, you can contact our CS  .

So as to satisfy loyal customers   and  provide the best service, as well as to improve the service if any complaints arise   .  The performance of each employee will be assessed from complaint Hokben  later  .   This restaurant, which has been established for more than 30 years  , is definitely experienced in dealing with consumers.

So our call centre officials  will be   equipped with  how to cater to the needs of the customers. In addition to the e-mail  above, you can also  contact our CS through other platforms  .  Like from  our  social media  pages on Twitter, IG and Facebook  .

You  can ask or complain  at the HOKBEN Call Center  there  .  Starting from  the working hours of the  Hokben branch that you want to meet  ,  to  delivering a  review  of  your experience enjoying food at this restaurant  with Japanese-style dishes  .  Usually from this social media  page  , various promos will be given.

The promo can definitely be enjoyed with the terms and conditions  that  apply. Learn and pay attention to  every detail of the  promo, if it is not clear, you can ask the call center directly.  It is expected that with this call center, Hokben will become a  restaurant that  has  a lot of trust from the  community  and  can be  accepted.

Do you have any complaints?  Immediately complain at the Hockben Call Center

No doubt we   have mentioned  many times that if you have any complaint immediately,  just contact our call center  . so that it is immediately used  as  an assessment for all parties, and service improvements are made.  Customer satisfaction  is  our  priority,  in addition  to CS  complaints, we  also  receive reviews from our  restaurants.

This review or review can be said to be similar to complaints but not fully complained   about. It  could  be reviewed how satisfied  Hokben  was with his service. So,  in addition to being able to deliver directly to CS  officials, you can also offer reviews on Hockben’s old social media  .

Contacting  CS  can also be  through the official website platform of this Japanese-themed restaurant.  By  selecting the sub-menu of ‘Contact Us’, and  fill out the form accordingly. If you have  submitted  a review or complaint at  the  Hockben Call Center, you may  also place an order through the website.

Undoubtedly, you must have  a previous account or  you  must have registered an account. If it’s not easy, just fill out the email and other forms  correctly. If so,  you can start ordering the available food menu  later. It  is adjusted to your nearest outlet  and whether to reach   the final destination of  delivery later  .

  1. Akdar want to call Tanya or Adukan call the Call Center Hokben , we are ready

If  only you have  questions about information such as delivery  , you can contact the special delivery CS directly  on the 1500505 number  .  When  calling the service and  asking  about the total  cost,  it will be fully informed that  it has covered  taxes  and  shipping  charges.

So you don’t have  to worry about employees exaggerating shipping costs  later, as it  has already been arranged.    But if there’s something  that’s   not  going to be pleasing when  the order arrives or after delivery  takes place, you   can  complain of the fish  directly to the call center.

For information listed on our page, either on social media or websites, ask about it immediately. We  will  be happy  to  explain  this to  you so that there is no other curious RASA.  Usually users often ask about the promos and   the  conditions to be able to get these  promos.

This is  to avoid misunderstandings  in interpreting the available promos. We  have really  tried our best to state the information clearly, but  it is  possible to pay less attention to the information that is  clearly stated, he said.

By interacting directly with consumers, it is expected that the Hockben Call Enter Officer may subsequently    convey suggestions or complaints from consumers for assessment material.  To provide the best service,  feedback from customers is required and if any complaints are received, immediately complain to the Hockben Call Center  .


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