Direct messaging via JNE social media accounts: SNAPTIK
Direct messaging via JNE social media accounts: SNAPTIK

Direct messaging via JNE social media accounts: SNAPTIK

Goods came late? Contact JNE call center in the following way!

If you often use JNE shipments, simply contact the JNE call center when you encounter problems related to product delivery. JNE itself is actually a company founded in 1990 that serves the public in matters relating to customs services, particularly imports.

This company engaged in logistics and logistics is actually quite famous in Indonesia and is also often used as one of the best alternatives to online purchase and sale. JNE’s products and services are also very diverse, from JNE Express, JNE Logistics to JNE Freight.

If youshop online, upon check-out, you will usually be asked to choose a shipment for delivery of the item. There are so many e-commerce companies that use JNE logistics services because they have experience and rarely run into any problems, you also always use JNE, right?

what if suddenly the goods do not arrive even if they have exceeded the estimated delivery time? In addition to contacting the JNE call center , you can first perform online tracking to find out where the products are located. But in this article, we will really discuss ways to connect to CS JNE.

Check receipts with other sites

When you shop online, you can usually see the receipt number registered and you can check the receipt number. Although it is actually in electronic commerce, it has been found that the process of shipping the goods has arrived there and others.

But sometimes there are some obstacles that cause the tracking of the e-commerce receipt number not to be updated. From there you can check using the official JNE website.  However, if the official website has not been updated or encounters technical issues, you can use other receipt check pages.

Some of the recommended receipt check pages are i.e. by going to the main page of the page then entering the receipt on the package, press send, and then following the instructions below. The status of your package appears or you can also check on other sites such as:

  1. com
  2. id
  3. com

If you have viewed various receiving control pages but still cannot see an update to the status of your package, you can contact the JNE call center.  There are many ways you can do to file complaints or simply search for information about the delivery of packages.

You can do this in several ways to connect directly to JNE customer service, especially through the email address registered, by contacting JNE’s social media accounts and via the phone line service or phone number that has been provided. In fact, you can also go to the Ask Joni page to come directly to the office.

Contact JNE Call Center by email

This method is often carried out because it is easier because you don’t have to spend a lot of money. Then you just need to send an email to the official JNE email address, which is of the complaint you want to send and the proposal is to send it in the correct format.

When sending an email, do not leave the content section blank, the correct format is the content of the content with a complaint such as a “tricky package”, so in the body of the email, fill out a clear description or explanation of the problem you face. It is recommended to use a list of what the obstacles are so that it is easy for CS to understand.

In the description section, do not forget to attach the recipient’s name, sender name and active mobile number. You can also attach a photo if it is really needed as proof that you are actually having problems with the package you have sent. So you don’t need to  contact  the JNE call center  on the call service, you can do it first by email.

After sending the email, you just have to wait for a response fromc ustothe service mare as the length depends on the queue. It could be that in a few minutes you can read your email immediately and reply by the administrator. You may also have to wait a few hours or a few days.

Direct messaging via JNE social media accounts

In addition to the above method, which is to send a complaint through a registered email address, you can also send a message via JNE social media. but make sure first that JNE’s social media message is actually his official social media account. In fact, it has been reported that it is quicker to file complaints through social media accounts than emails.

JNE’s official social media accounts include Facebook @JNEpusat, Twitter @JNE_id and Instagram @jne_id. Keep in mind that the JNE call center on social media accounts consists of three accounts, namely Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so the rest opens JNE’s official social media accounts, so you have to be careful.

In addition, there has recently been a lot of growth in the name of some companies or shipments. So really make sure that the social media account is JNE’s official narrative to minimize the events of unwanted events. So how to file a complaint via a social media account?

You just have to send a message to one of the official social media accounts and you can match the format of sending a complaint by email. You must link the sender’s name, recipient’s name, receipt number and mobile phone number that is still active and provide some explanation for the problems that arise.

Accesso al Call Center JNE sul sito Web ask  Joni

The next option is through the Ask Joni site.  This  site is a dedicated site that is actually provided by JNE so that customers or customers can make a case more easily. How to make a complaint on the Ask Joni site is also very simple, namely:

  1. The first step is to open the Ask Joni site in
  2. You can then enter the necessary data, such as name, address and mobile phone number
  3. In the content column, you can select customer service
  4. In the message column, you can fill in or communicate complaints that are taking place
  5. Then click Send Message

As when you contact call center services by email or j&t social media account, make sure you have also entered a receipt number, sender’s name and recipient’s name so that JNE can track or check the location of the package. As for the answer from the Ask Joni page, you can get a response from the mobile number you entered.

Therefore, enter the number that is still active in the mobile number or number used when the package is sent to make it easier for JNE to contact. In fact, in addition to the above methods, you can also contact the JNE call center via the call service or call directly.

JNE’s phone line number is 021 29278888 where you can dial the number and wait until a telemarketing company answers the call, and then press the additional button to connect to the management section. Then you can communicate both ways through the phone line service.

But unfortunately because the phone line service is rarely used because if you call a registered number directly, you can charge a phone fee depending on the provider you use. Tidak wonders if consumers prefer to complain to the JNE call center via email or social media account.

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